RES 25-5456
| 1 | 3.1 | Summer Blackhorse | Resolution | Resolution No. 25-5456 For The Purpose Of Adding Or Amending Nine Projects To The 2024-27 MTIP Including Six New Americans With Disabilities Act Upgrade Projects To Meet Federal Project Delivery Requirements | | |
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RES 25-5457
| 1 | 3.2 | Alice Hodge | Resolution | Resolution No. 25-5457 For the Purpose of Appointing 8 New Members to the Metro Affordable Housing Bond Community Oversight Committee | | |
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RES 25-5461
| 1 | 3.3 | Carly Tabert | Resolution | Resolution No. 25-5461 For the Purpose of Appointing One New Member to the Regional Waste Advisory Committee | | |
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RES 25-5449
| 1 | 4.1 | Ashley Schofield | Resolution | Resolution No. 25-5449 For the Purpose of Proclaiming Every February as Black History Month in the Greater Portland Region | | |
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RES 25-5462
| 1 | 4.2 | Liz Lapier | Resolution | Resolution No. 25-5462 For the Purpose of Authorizing the Sale of General Obligation Bonds | | |
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ORD 25-1527
| 1 | 5.1 | Glen Hamburg | Ordinance | Ordinance No. 25-1527 For The Purpose Of Annexing To The Metro District Approximately 5.46 Acres In Hillsboro Along NW West Union Rd East Of NW Helvetia Rd | | |
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Not available