COM 25-0901
| 1 | | Georgia Langer | Information/Discussion Item | Updates from the JPACT Chair | | |
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COM 25-0894
| 1 | 4.1 | Summer Blackhorse | Action Item | Resolution No. 25-5473 For the Purpose of Adding a New ODOT Public Transportation Awarded Project into the 2024-27 MTIP for TriMet Supporting Elderly and Disabled Persons Transit Needs | | |
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| 1 | 4.2 | Emma McIntosh | Minutes | Consideration of the February 20, 2025 JPACT Minutes | | |
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COM 25-0895
| 1 | 5.1 | Summer Blackhorse | Action Item | Resolution No. 25-5463 For the Purpose of Amending Three Related I-5 Rose Quarter Projects to the 2024-27 MTIP to Add $250 Million Dollars of Approved Funding to the Projects (8:05 AM) | | |
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COM 25-0896
| 1 | 5.2 | Summer Blackhorse | Action Item | RFFA Step 1A: Scenario Packages Recommendation for Public Comment (8:25 AM) | | |
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COM 25-0897
| 1 | 6.1 | Ashley Schofield | Information/Discussion Item | Introduction to the Forthcoming Federal Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bill (8:45 AM) | | |
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