RES 18-4899
| 1 | 3.1 | Liset Banuelos | Resolution | Resolution No. 18-4899, For the Purpose of Accepting the May 15, 2018 Primary Election Abstract of Votes for Metro | | |
Not available
Not available
RES 18-4889
| 1 | 4.1 | Amanda Kanter | Resolution | Resolution No. 18-4889, For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2017-18 Budget and Appropriations Schedule and FY 2017-18 Through FY 2021-22 Capital Improvement Plan to Provide for a Change in Operations | | |
Not available
RES 18-4878
| 1 | 4.2 | Amanda Kanter | Resolution | Resolution No. 18-4878, For the Purpose of Adopting the Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-19 Through 2022-23 and Readopting Metro's Financial Policies | | |
Not available
RES 18-4878
| 1 | 4.2 | Amanda Kanter | Resolution | Resolution No. 18-4878, For the Purpose of Adopting the Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-19 Through 2022-23 and Readopting Metro's Financial Policies | | |
Not available
RES 18-4874
| 1 | 4.3 | Amanda Kanter | Resolution | Resolution No. 18-4874, For the Purpose of Adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19, Making Appropriations and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes | | |
Not available
ORD 18-1423
| 1 | 5.1 | Jenny Villarreal | Ordinance | Ordinance No. 18-1423, For the Purpose of Determining that Affordable Housing is a Matter of Metropolitan Concern and Undertaking an Affordable Housing Function | | |
Not available
ORD 18-1422
| 1 | 6.1 | Paulette Copperstone | Ordinance | Ordinance No. 18-1422, For the Purpose of Annexing to the Metro District Boundary Approximately 45.68 Acres Located Along SW Brookman Road in Sherwood | | |
Not available